Abstract Shapes Sketchbook Page
This abstract shapes exercise is a great way to generate new ideas, get into creative flow, and avoid overthinking :) You may be surprised by what you come up with, and there is no right or wrong.

1. Materials: All you need is paper and 4 markers or highlighters. Pick one dark color, two mid-tone neutral colors, and one light color.
2. Experiment: Use some paper to swatch the colors, see what they look like when layered on top of each other, and draw some simple shapes. Try making several versions of circles/ovals, triangles, rectangles, and arches, varying the width and sizes. How do these shapes make you feel? Which are you drawn to today?

3. Fill Your Page: Starting with your lightest color, block in some shapes on your sketchbook page. Repeat this with each color in order from light to dark, adding overlapping shapes wherever you like. Try not to overthink it, go with your instincts. There are no mistakes ✨
We did this shape exercise together in our Draw & Breathe livestream in Mimochai Studio. Join the Studio to be invited to our monthly workshops and watch replays of past workshops including this one. 💛-M